Sports nutrition

Many of our clients come to us feeling lost and confused because what worked when they were a college athlete isn’t working now.
Do you feel confused and frustrated about nutrition to support your fitness goals?
Do you spend hours online researching and entering your metrics into different apps only to get different answers on how much energy your body needs to see results?
We can help!
Sports nutrition
Our bodies and nutrient needs change as we age, so if you’re working out and not seeing results, it’s probably your nutrition. Unfortunately, many of the fitness apps on the market only provide a guesstimation of what your body needs. They can’t account for the days you expend more energy or give you guidance when you feel hungry but have already hit your macros for the day!
Instead of spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated with the lack of results, you can work with our sports dietitian to maximize your nutrition, muscle mass, and endurance.
Nutrition, Muscle mass and Endurance

New York City Nutrition Advantage

While working with our sports dietitian, you’ll build a healthier relationship with food, free from restriction. You’ll understand the role food plays in your fitness journey and learn how to replenish nutrients post-workout. You’ll feel stronger, notice improved muscle definition, and can say goodbye to fatigue and mid-workout crashes!

Crush your fitness goals with personalized nutrition!

Don’t let confusing nutrition hold you back from reaching your fitness goals. Work with our sports dietitian to get personalized recommendations, crush your goals, increase endurance, and optimize your training. Schedule your free discovery call today!